Sunday, May 11, 2008

Freelance Writer, Copyeditor and Social Networking Expert

So the secret is out, I am never going back to work. Somehow it is oxymoronic that I now work harder than I ever have, and yet work is the last word I would use to describe what I do. The phrase, "I'm on deadline," has become my best friend and mantra on a daily basis, and I have to set alarms all over the house to remind me to do basic things, like eat and sleep. Quite simply, I am living my dream -- you know, the dream we hardly admit to ourselves as life races by day after day. The dream we almost forgot we ever had. But after the death of my closest friend, followed up by the most difficult professional betrayal I ever experienced, I took out my pen and started writing again just to keep breathing.

Most of you have been inundated with my work over the last few months as I launched my professional writing business and discovered, much to my own amazement, that finding clients was not going to be my problem. Theresa said it a long time ago, she said that as a writer, I was magnificent. I was so embarrased at anyone thinking that, especially Theresa -- who was all things magnificent herself. But to my utter awe, at least as a writer, I think maybe she was right. And I have finally taken the advice she gave me almost eleven years ago -- she said, "Stop eating, and stop sleeping, don't get the mail, don't walk the dog, forget whatever occupies your mind every day and just write. Do nothing but write." Some day I'll post what she was reading to prompt such a beautiful sentence -- a life changing sentence. That statement landed in my heart and it started to grow roots ... and wings.

I will post here about my business (Freelance Mary Agnes Antonopoulos) and about what services I offer and some ideas for other writers to use in their own venues.

I'll also post business-writing tips and easy-to-use social networking ideas. Definitely feel free to call me with any questions. Time is free ;)

I greatly look forward to hearing from anyone, any time. Life is a precious rare gift. To be able to do what we love is a mercy beyond description.

Peace, Mary Agnes

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